The Create a Life You Love Podcast
Welcome to The Create a Life You Love Podcast, the go-to podcast for people who are called to make a positive impact through the power of coaching. You’ll hear encouraging stories from coaches sharing their journeys and lessons learned along the way, tips from top experts who help coaches thrive in their life and business, and so much more! Featuring hosts Chantal Cox and Guin White.

Monday Jun 29, 2020
Live Life on Purpose, Not by Default with Kevin Ly - CALYL Podcast Ep. 30
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Welcome to today's episode of The Create a Life You Love Podcast.
Today's guest is Kevin Ly from Kevin Ly Social. Kevin is a meditation and breathwork coach as well as an Angel Investor at Strange Love investments. He shared awesome tips for how to live your life on purpose, and take it off of default mode.
He is graciously gifting all listeners a FREE meditation and breath workshop, which will be especially helpful during these turbulent times.
Reach out to him for details and to connect with him at:
Website and Podcast:
The host, Chantal Cox, is the author of "Create a Life You Love: 10 Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life Now," and founder of Create a Life You Love Coaching. Chantal empowers motivated professional women who want to break the chains of anxiety and daily stress through transformation coaching and sharing the CALYL Foundational Habits.
👀You can catch other video episodes of The Create a Life You Love Video Podcast within the free Facebook Group: Create a Life You Love Community.
🎙Do you have a message you want to share and want to be a featured guest on The Create a Life You Love Podcast? Applications for Season 2 are being taken at
Enjoy the Journey!Chantal

Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Welcome to today's episode of The Create a Life You Love Podcast.
Today's guest is Case Lane, a global writer, traveler and the founder of Ready Entrepreneur who believes everyone with business ideas in their head is at the best time in history right now to transition their life to running their own business, and managing their future on their own terms.
She shared so much value about how you can find location freedom, time freedom, and financial freedom by starting your own business. She walked us through steps that anyone can follow if they have an idea in their head and heart that is calling them to impact the world through their own business.
⭐️She way over delivered by generously gifting all listeners a copy of her book, "Life Dream: 7 Universal Moves to Get the Life You Want Through Entrepreneurship"Get your copy by going to 👉…/
⭐️She also opened up slots for FREE coaching calls to help anyone thinking of starting a business, or in the beginning stages of their business.Sign up by going to 👉
Connect with Case at:Website:👉
⭐️As a thank you for listening, I have opened up a few slots for 30 minute 1:1 clarity calls. These happen via zoom and are 100% complimentary. Head over to 👉
👀You can catch other video episodes of The Create a Life You Love Video Podcast within the free Facebook Group: Create a Life You Love Community.
🎙Do you have a message you want to share and want to be a featured guest on The Create a Life You Love Podcast? Applications for Season 2 are being taken at
Enjoy the Journey!Chantal

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Welcome to today's episode of The Create a Life You Love Podcast.
Today’s guest is Michelle Nguyen from Mindset Mastery with Michelle. Michelle is a hypnotherapist, coach and sleep pattern specialist. She shared with us insights on our sleep patterns and how we can change them to master our energy throughout the day.
She shared such value and hit on topics such as:-Identifying Your Existing Bad Sleep Habits-The 4 Sleep Types from Dr. Michael Brues-Tips for Better Sleep-And So Much More 😍
You can connect with Michelle on:Her
And on Social Media:
The host, Chantal Cox, is the author of "Create a Life You Love: 10 Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life Now," and founder of Create a Life You Love Coaching. Chantal empowers motivated professional women who want to break the chains of anxiety and depression through transformation coaching and sharing the CALYL Foundational Habits.
👀You can catch other video episodes of The Create a Life You Love Podcast within the free Facebook Group: Create a Life You Love Community.
🎙Do you have a message you want to share and want to be a featured guest on The Create a Life You Love Podcast? Applications for Season 2 are being taken at
Enjoy the Journey!Chantal

Monday Jun 22, 2020
The Vision Factor with Will Lewis IV - CALYL Podcast Ep. 27
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
The featured guest is Will L. Lewis IV. Will Lewis is a young professional and native of Gary, Indiana. He is a graduate of Purdue University and the business owner of WL Photography and Marketing Solutions.
He is a strategic and tenacious leader noted for his ability to transform big picture visions into driven successful development. Through Visual Solutions, Applied Communication and Leadership Development he has reached many groups to diverse audiences from adolescents to corporate senior leaders. His passion includes adding value to others. “When I have added value, I have reached the goal.”
Talk about a high dose of motivation and inspiration!! 😍In fact, after we ended the interview, we ended up hitting on more content that just HAD to be shared, so there are 2 parts of this interview mashed into one podcast episode.
Will covered the key ingredients of The Vision Factor:⭐️Vision⭐️Community⭐️Exposure⭐️Strategy⭐️Accountability⭐️Focus
You can connect with Will on:His Website:
You can catch other video episodes of The Create a Life You Love Podcast within the free Facebook Group: Create a Life You Love Community.
Want to be a featured guest on The Create a Life You Love Podcast? Applications for Season 2 are being taken at
Enjoy the Journey!Chantal

Friday Jun 12, 2020
The Pushy Broad from The Bronx - CALYL Podcast Ep. 26
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Welcome to today's episode of The Create a Life You Love Podcast.
I was thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with the Pushy Broad From The Bronx, Ellen Stuart. Ellen is a Certified Life Coach/Recovery Coach, born and raised in the Bronx. In this episode she gives us a little PUSH as we dive into potentially hazardous behaviors during a quarantine.
She has 2 shows that air weekly, you can find them both on Her 2 weekly podcasts are "Recovery Recharged" and "Everybody Needs A Little Push."
You can connect with her on:Website:
She also graciously hosted me on her podcast, which you can,
Listen to at:…/episod…/view/28862
Watch on Youtube at:
You can catch other video episodes of The Create a Life You Love Podcast within the free Facebook Group: Create a Life You Love Community.
Want to be a featured guest on The Create a Life You Love Podcast? Applications for Season 2 are being taken at
Enjoy the Journey,Chantal

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Get Relationship Ready with Heidi Busche - CALYL Podcast Ep. 25
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
The featured guest was Heidi Busche, a speaker, author, and relationship expert. After years of striking out with guy after guy, Heidi finally bottomed out with men and relationships, and she became willing to do some work around men and relationships. The soul-level work that she did, completely transformed her perspective on the accessibility of love and relationships. And she realized that other women might need this work too.
In 2018, Heidi left that cubicle life in order to write her book and to pursue her passion, helping women identify and change painful patterns in their relationships.
Her first book, "Relationship Ready: How I Stopped F*cking Randos and Started Cupcaking my Soulmate" is available now on Amazon and Audible.
We covered so many amazing topics such as:⭐️What "cupcaking" means⭐️Her experience hitting rock bottom with men and relationships⭐️How to create an ideals list - so you can get really clear on what you will and will not accept from a potential partner⭐️3 types of unavailability to be aware of when dating⭐️And SO much more!!
You can connect with her on:Her👉Be sure to sign up for her mailing list so you can get her FREEBIE "Six ways to STOP freaking out and to START finding your SOULMATE" (you know I already signed up for mine 😉)
Intstagram: honeyb52
Her Podcast:…/the-relationship-…/id1495853211
The host, Chantal Cox, is the author of "Create a Life You Love: 10 Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life Now," and founder of Create a Life You Love Coaching. Chantal empowers women who want to break the chains of anxiety and depression through transformation coaching and sharing the CALYL Foundational Habits.
You can catch other video episodes of The Create a Life You Love Podcast within the free Facebook Group: Create a Life You Love Community.
🎙Do you have a message you want to share and want to be a featured guest on The Create a Life You Love Podcast? Apply at
Enjoy the Journey!Chantal

Friday Jun 05, 2020
How to Monetize Your Passion with Kae Gruner - CALYL Podcast Ep. 24
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
The featured guest was Kae Gruner from Start Up Heart Up. She is a Business & Intellectual Property Lawyer and shared simple tips to pursue your dream business, whether full-time or side hustle, to create a life, and job, you love.
We covered topics such as:- Identifying and organizing your business ideas- Figuring out which idea gives you the most joy (& excitement when you talk about it!)-The difference between copyright and trademark- And so much more!!
⭐️⭐️⭐️Be sure to grab Kae’s FREE gift - her Simple Business Plan Template:
You can also connect with Kae on:Her
The host, Chantal Cox, is the author of "Create a Life You Love: 10 Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life Now," and founder of Create a Life You Love Coaching. Chantal empowers women who want to break the chains of anxiety and depression through transformation coaching and sharing the CALYL Foundational Habits.
You can catch other video episodes of The Create a Life You Love Podcast within the free Facebook Group: Create a Life You Love Community by going to
🎙Do you have a message you want to share and want to be a featured guest on The Create a Life You Love Podcast? Apply at
Enjoy the Journey,Chantal

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Escape the Diet Trap with Dalia Kinsey - CALYL Podcast Ep. 23
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
I was thrilled to have Dalia Kinsey who is a registered dietitian and a Body Lead Eating Coach. She shared tips and a message of food freedom and self love.
⭐️⭐️⭐️Check out her FREE gift to all listeners:Intro to Intuitive Eating Handout which can be found at:
You can also connect with her on:Her
The host, Chantal Cox, is the author of "Create a Life You Love: 10 Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life Now," and founder of Create a Life You Love Coaching. Chantal empowers women who want to break the chains of anxiety and depression through transformation coaching and sharing the CALYL Foundational Habits.
You can catch other video episodes of The Create a Life You Love Podcast within the free Facebook Group: Create a Life You Love Community.
🎙Do you have a message you want to share and want to be a featured guest on The Create a Life You Love Podcast? Apply at
Enjoy the Journey,Chantal